What Is The Best Kind Of Dust Collector For My Batch Mixer?

Every batch mixing operation is different, but most of them share a few traits. Source capture is the preferred method, but most operations require an ambient air filtration solution for a total solution because dust tends to escape and drift. An ambient dust collector treats the air in an entire facility.

  • The RoboVent Vortex Series is a floor-mounted unit that used directional nozzles to create air patterns that move dirty air into the collectors and return clean, filtered air to the facility.
  • A traditional ducted push-pull system creates air currents using a system of ceiling ducts connected to a powerful dust collector like the RoboVent Senturion Series

If source capture is possible—perhaps where the batch materials are being added to the process—then a hybrid system (ambient + source) would work well. A dust collector like the RoboVent Senturion can be hooked up to hoods or enclosures placed over the dirtiest part of the mixing process to contain dust.

Another factor which batch mixing operators must consider is the tendency for their dust to disperse; when a powder is added, it displaces air, causing dust to fly. Keeping the hopper under negative pressure (by source capture collection) helps to mitigate this effect, and air quality engineers can create that negative pressure with a dust collector. Enclosing your operation as much as possible will obviously make it easier to maintain a negative pressure. When no enclosure is possible, an ambient collection system will likely be necessary for your facility.

When choosing a filter media for your dust collector, it is wise to consider the nature of the specific dust you are handling. An engineer would be able to advise on which filter would be most appropriate. In many batch-mixing operations, a cartridge filter is an optimal solution, providing high efficiency in a compact package.


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