FAQ CATEGORY: About Dust Collector Cartridge Filters

About Dust Collector Cartridge Filters

What Are Dust Collector Cartridge Filters?

Dust collector cartridge filters are cylindrical filtration devices used in cartridge dust collection systems to capture and remove fine airborne particles from the air. They are made from pleated filter media, which increases the surface area for capturing dust. The pleated cartridge design allows for better filtration efficiency and airflow than traditional bag filters. These filters are commonly used in industries such as metalworking, welding, woodworking, paper and cardboard processing, and powder and bulk applications such as food processing and pharmaceuticals, where the removal of fine dust particles is crucial for maintaining air quality and safety standards.

What Are the Advantages of Cartridge Air Filters for Dust Collection?

Dust collector cartridge filters offer several advantages. First, their pleated design provides a larger filtration surface area compared to traditional bag filters, leading to greater dust-holding capacity and extended filter life. This means that more filtration capacity is packed into a smaller space, which is why cartridge dust collectors are physically smaller and more energy efficient than other types of dust collectors, such as baghouse, with the same CFM and filtration capacity. Additionally, cartridge filters are often easier to install and replace than bag filters, reducing maintenance time. Moreover, many cartridge filters come with advanced media options that can capture very fine particles, enhancing air quality and ensuring compliance with stringent industry regulations. Cartridge dust collector filters are highly versatile and come in a range of media types for different dust collection applications.

What Is the MERV Rating for an Industrial Dust Collector Cartridge Filter?

For industrial applications, cartridge filters often have a MERV rating between 10 and 16, with higher-end filters used in environments where capturing very fine particulates is critical. Over time, cartridge filters will build a dust cake on the surface that will provide filtration approaching MERV 16. However, to ensure proper performance across the entire life of the cartridge filter, it is essential to select a cartridge filter with an appropriate MERV rating for the specific dust collection needs of the facility. 

  • Cartridge filters with a MERV rating of 10-12 can be used for larger particulate and less toxic applications such as non-toxic bulk and powder applications, manual metal grinding or cutting, woodworking, etc. 
  • A cartridge dust collector filter with a MERV rating of 15 or higher is recommended for welding and other processes with thermal fumes or fine powders.
  • A HEPA or ULPA after-filter may be required for highly toxic materials or very fine submicron particulates.

What Are Cartridge Air Filters Used For?

Cartridge dust collector filters are designed to capture and remove airborne dust and particulate matter from industrial environments. They are used in a cartridge dust collection system. These filters are essential in places where operations produce a significant amount of dust, such as in woodworking shops, metal fabrication facilities, and various manufacturing processes. The primary function is to maintain indoor air quality, protect machinery from excessive dust buildup, and ensure a safe environment for workers by preventing the inhalation of harmful particulates. By keeping the air clean and compliant with safety standards and OSHA PELs, cartridge filters play a vital role in many industrial settings. Industries that use cartridge air filters for dust collection include: 

See more Industries and Applications.

What Is the Difference Between a Cartridge Air Filter and a Baghouse Filter?

Cartridge air filters and baghouse filters are both used in dust collection and air filtration systems, but they have distinct designs, characteristics, and best-use scenarios. Cartridge air filters are typically cylindrical in shape and constructed with pleated filter media, increasing the surface area for filtration within a compact design. The pleats allow for a large amount of filter material to be packed into a relatively small space. A baghouse filter, on the other hand, is shaped like a long bag or sock, typically made of woven or felted fabric. The dust-laden air enters from the top and passes through the bag's walls, leaving dust on the outside or inside of the bag, depending on the design. Each filter type is used for a specific type of dust collector.