Combustible Dust: How To Avoid A Dust Explosion

June 4th, 2020

TOPIC: Combustible Dust: How to Avoid a Dust Explosion
PRESENTERS: Alysha Yinger & Adam Haroz

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Join us for this educational webinar provided to manufacturers across North America impacted by the NFPA 652 requirements. The deadline of September 7th has come and gone for the proper industries. But remember, the Food & Agricultural deadline is January 1, 2022 for Food & Agricultural Facilities.

In the webinar, we review how to avoid combustible dust explosions due to poor filtration and ventilation system design and provide best practices on how to incorporate industrial ventilation and combustible dust best practices into your manufacturing process.


  • Best practices to control explosive dusts in manufacturing environments by applying proper industrial ventilation
    and NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) to the process and equipment.
  • Critical components of a DHA (Dust Hazard Analysis) required by NFPA 652.
  • Change Management | ECO and how to develop a system to future-proof your process.

If you have any questions about combustible dust-related items after this webinar, send us a message or give us a call at 1.888.ROBOVENT (1-877-959-7639).


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